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October Intensive Course


National Day Camp

10/5/2020 - 10/9/2020




Grade 2 – Author Study, Kevin Henkes


Students will read at five different Kevin Henkes books - Chrysanthemum, Wemberly Worried, Chester's Way, Sheila Rya the Brave, and A Weekend with Wendell. Students will practice using their schema to make connections to themselves, between the books, and to the world. They will also practice identifying the major themes and lessons that occur in Kevin Henkes' books.


Grade 3 – Author Study, Patricia Palacco


Student will read The Keeping Quilt and Chicken Sunday by Patricia Polacco and analyze the idea of tradition and family. They will discuss and elaborate on the main ideas, compare and contrast the characters and plots, and practice providing evidence from the texts. They will engage in comprehension questions, learn new vocabulary, and create and present storyboards of their own family traditions.

Grade 4&5 – Novel Study, Wonder by R.J. Pallacio


Students will analyze power and perspective as they read Wonder by R.J. Pallacio and follow the path of the different characters. They will craft reading responses that reflect a deeper understanding of the text as well as the pressures and forces being exerted on the main character, the roles being played by minor characters, and the lessons being learned throughout the text.


​Grade 2 to 4 - Word Problem, Theme : World Travel & Culture

This course would focus on problem-solving/word problems related to the theme- world travel & culture.  The word problems would include some facts about the country's popular food dishes, landmarks, and cultural aspects of the country. Students will learn to draw on their previous knowledge of math facts and how to apply the strategies they know to problem solve. Depending on the level, students will engage in multidigit addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, comparing numbers and fractions, premeter/area/volume...etc.


Schedule for Dec 2020

Start Learning Today

Winter Intensive Class - Day Time

Reading 1 for Grade 2

Content: Author Study, Kevin Henkes


Date: 10/5-10/9, 7:00-8:00PM

Reading Intensive Course - National Day Camp 2020 for Grade 3

Content: Author Study, Patricia Palacco


Date: 10/5-10/9, 7:00-8:00PM

Reading Intensive Course - National Day Camp 2020 for Grade 4&5

Content: Novel Study, Wonder by R.J. Pallacio


Date: 10/5-10/9, 7:00-8:00PM

Math Intensive Course - National Day Camp 2020 for Grade 2

Content: Word Problem, Theme: World Travel & Cluture


Date: 10/5-10/9, 8:00-9:00PM

Math Intensive Course - National Day Camp 2020 for Grade 3

Content: Word Problem, Theme: World Travel & Cluture


Date: 10/5-10/9, 8:00-9:00PM

Math Intensive Course - National Day Camp 2020 for Grade 4

Content: Word Problem, Theme: World Travel & Cluture


Date: 10/5-10/9, 8:00-9:00PM

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