Young Readers and Writers Program
For Grade 1 - 6
6 kids in one class
2 sessions per week
1 hour per session
Curriculum Summary
For reading and writing courses at Novus Academy, we have adopted the TC Reading and Writing Project developed and supported by Columbia University.
The mission of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project is to help young people become avid and skilled readers, writers, and inquirers. This goal is accomplished through research, curriculum development, and through working shoulder-to-shoulder with students, teachers, and school leaders.
At Novus, we use state-of-the-art tools and methods that was developed by TC such as performance assessments and learning progressions for teaching reading and writing, accelerating progress, and literacy-rich content-area instruction. Thousands of teachers regard the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project as a continual source of professional renewal and education. Well over 170,000 teachers have attended the week-long institutes at TC, and it serves as the backbone of the reading and writing curriculum at numerous top private schools in the US.
The overarching goal for our reading curriculum is to help our students to immerse themselves into the good life of being an avid reader and become flexible, resilient readers.
We want children to read for not only academic purposes but also for pleasure because they love reading, and that love will be nurtured by introducing them to the kinds of books they can’t wait to read.
We want students to have a plethora of reading strategies that they can carry with them for life, and that work begins with building good habits. Students will determine the characters, series, and topics that are just right for them.
We believe that writing is not just about getting ideas down on paper. It’s about helping our student grow up to know how to voice their ideas and speak out for what they believe in.
Our goal is to provide explicit and sequenced instruction that helps student to progress along a learning continuum. They first learn from demonstration, then from guided practice with teacher support, and then from independent work for which they receive feedback.
Our students will grow not only as writers, but also as thinkers, learners and readers. The will study age appropriate mentor texts and learn ways to emulate the crafts moves we notice and admire.
Schedule for Fall 2020
Start Learning Today
Young Readers and Writers - Grade 1
Price Coming Soon
Class 1: Monday and Wednesday
Class 2: Tuesday and Thursday
Timing: 7:00-8:00PM (8/31-10/31)
8:00-9:00PM (11/1-12/12)
No Class: 10/3-10/9, 11/23-11/27
Young Readers and Writers - Grade 2
Price Coming Soon
Class 1: Monday and Wednesday
Class 2: Tuesday and Thursday
Timing: 7:00-8:00PM (8/31-10/31)
8:00-9:00PM (11/1-12/12)
No Class: 10/3-10/9, 11/23-11/27
Young Readers and Writers - Grade 3
Price Coming Soon
Class 1: Monday and Wednesday
Class 2: Tuesday and Thursday
Timing: 7:00-8:00PM (9/14-10/31)
8:00-9:00PM (11/1-12/12)
No Class: 10/3-10/9, 11/23-11/27
Young Readers and Writers - Grade 4
Price Coming Soon
Class 1: Monday and Wednesday
Class 2: Tuesday and Thursday
Timing: 7:00-8:00PM (8/31-10/31)
8:00-9:00PM (11/1-12/12)
No Class: 10/3-10/9, 11/23-11/27
Young Readers and Writers - Grade 5&6
Price Coming Soon
Class 1: Monday and Wednesday
Class 2: Tuesday and Thursday
Timing: 7:00-8:00PM (8/31-10/31)
8:00-9:00PM (11/1-12/12)
No Class: 10/3-10/9, 11/23-11/27